Saturday 25 August 2012

Nostalgias power to make people buy

I am often called a "nostalgic person" . I.E most of my favorite movies, Tv Shows and games are pre 2000. This interested me quite a bit as the way I see it Nostalgia is a large selling force in the world of today.

I mean look at the best selling games of today. People always buy the latest , Mario, Sonic, Zelda etc games, even if they moan about how bad they are. What is making them do this ... NOSTALGIA for the old games . Look at the film industry. How many movies these days are either remakes or movie versions of old cartoons, TV shows and toys from the 70s, 80s and 90s ? quite a few it seems what with transformers, Gi Joe, Battle ships, dark shadows, and total recall to name only a tiny few.  And look at films like the expendables all the old action stars getting a shot again ( specially glad to see lundgren again, he was a baddass

Thing is everyone is nostalgic and remembers the good old days and it effects your life. I guess i am just more vocal about it.

And to finish best movie I can name of the top of my head

Indiana Jones and the raiders of the lost ark

Best game

Gabriel knight : sins of the father.

Yea more vocal about it.

quote of the day

"Act like a man of thought - Think like a man of action." - Thomas Mann

Sunday 19 August 2012

masculinity and its changing role

Ok so for this next post I will be looking at traditional masculinity and how it is changing in todays society.

It seems that back in the day, part and parcel of being a man were as follows.

Self sufficiency ( I.E having a job and being a ble to do things for yourself)
Toughness ( ability to take pain and bad feeling . e.g not whining when hurt or sick and of course the ability to hold your liquor)
Hardness ( ability to defend yourself , to fight and hold your own)
emotion only in the right areas.
Fair play ( a sense of justice and fairness)
Politeness to women and others ( open the door, get the bill, lift the heavy bags etc)

There was a time when these virtues were extolled and this was what it meant to be manly. This is not a product of the media and rose tinted looks back. One need only talk to their grand parents or look at old movies to see these qualities were what being manyl was all about.

These days however many of these quality have lost importance. We see bad mixes of them with other combinations.

So what happened to the old kind of man. I myself try to live to this credo as much as i can ( i am not always successfull but i try) and most things I am proud of reveolve around these principles. but these days many ogf the these qualities are seen as unimportant, pointless, old fashioned and backwards. I dont think they are . They way I grew up these where the things that made a man.

for more on this kind of thinking visit this site.

What does it mean to be a man these days. how many of the old view are outdated. or is it all a matter of perspective?

I dont know. what do you think.

Thursday 16 August 2012

my top ten anime and why

hey guys . today I will be listing my top ten favorite anime this includes movies and T.V shows. in no particular order, why I like them and clips/intro s where I can so if you are interested you can have a look.

Afro samurai :

I love this for sheer awsomeness, awsome animation, awsome fights, awsome voice acting, very fitting music.

"Stand in my path, you're a dead man . I'll cut the whole world in half for the Number One headband"

more action and exitment in 3 episodes than in 300 episodes of bleach


Only a half anime , but it counts and its hilarious, a great commentary on african american culture, with awsome sense of humour, great voice actors ( Samual L jackson, Kat Williams, Chris Rock, John Witherspoon, adam west, omar epps , the list goes on) add to that the awsomly animated fight scenes done by the guy who did cowboy bebop and samurai champloo and you have pure undiluted awsome

Witchhunter robin

A great anime with a slightly slow moving story, but great animation and wonderfull story and cool supernatural shenanigans. about the future where people with powers are called witches and an organisation hunts them down. but do they have their own agenda????? oooooooooooh 

Shootfighter Tekken:

the animated version of one of my favorite mangas of all time "TOUGH"
enough said

Hellsing ultimate :

The best animated version of the hellsing manga, the one that actually follows the story of the manga. Takes ages for OVAs to come out , but when they arrive they are the tits
Fist of the north star ( 1986 movie)

Awsome post apocolyptic mystic martial arts anime movie, ultraviolence, ultra masculine.  watch all you men out there....for the sake of your fists!!!

Peacock king :

A great mix of buddhist and Japaneses occultism and esoterica, and ultraviolence, all wrapped up in 90s cheese. fan....tastic.

Street fighter the animated movie 1995 

The film that made me aware of anime and based on one of the greatest fighting games off all time. great animations , great fights. watch it.

Tenjou tenge

High school fighting action series, full of pervyness and action. Perfect for me.

Tokyo babylon
A great supernatural, comedy anime. great characters and story, with great reveals.

And there you have it folks , I LOVE quite a few more. but these are the ones i pick when i have to pick some.

discussion, what we wear and reactions

Hey guys

I have recently been involved in discussions about what people wear and how people react to this. Those of you that know me , know that I am a fairly regular kind of guy, given to jeans, tshirts, trainers, boots, coats etc. sometimes the shirt will have something on it, but thats about as far as I go.

However recently I have noticed style trends that are hard to ignore. The first being men walking around in womens shoes. A couple of times now I have seen men ( I use that term loosly) walking about in high heeled stilletos, boots etc. I find this bizarre, since high heels were invented in order to enhance the look of the female figure rather than the male, like the corset, was designed in a similar fashion, and at least the corset can be used to make fat people seem a bit less so ( a la shatner). Any ways I have been called intollerant because I think this is weird. It IS weird at least to me because I have not seen it very often and the people I see doing it are mostly the people I would describe as "Douchebags". But I guess if it makes you happy wear high heels, just dont ask me to say it looks good, or you dont look like a fucking weirdo.

Secondly I was told off yesterday for saying that women who go out dressed in next to nothing ( I.E shirts that how off everything but the nipple, shorts that dont even cover the whole ass etc) should expect and be prepared for wolf whistles and come ons from perverts.

I think this because while we as humans have the right to wear what we want and what makes us feel good, the humans that we interact with have the right to react in the way that it affects them, and before I seem like a douchebag judge, let me qualify this.

It is NEVER allright to force yourself on someone, whether it is rape or whatever, it doesnt matter if she was wearing a shirt saying " please rape me" it is NEVER right to do that to someone , and the way that someone is dressed or if they act flirtatiously is NOT an excuse.

However if you girls go out in next to nothing, you need to be aware that there are red blooded males out there that will be effected by this and it may lead to wolf whistles and comments, you need to expect this because you are exposing your fashion sense to this element of the population. I mean if you were to go out in a "Jesus was a pedophile " t-shirt, which is your right, and you go to a bible friendly area, you are going to expect some comments. In the same way if you go to places like night clubs, bars etc where it is COMMON knowledge that there are sex crazed young males, you need to be prepared for their reaction, especially if you are wearing clothes that when you bend over men can see your vagina.

I think Dave chappelle said it best

"The girl says "Oh uh-uh, wait a minute! Wait a minute! Just because I'm dressed this way does not make me a whore!" Which is true. Gentlemen, that is true. Just because they dress a certain way doesn't mean they are a certain way. Don't ever forget it. But ladies, you must understand that is fucking confusing. It just is. Now that would be like me, Dave Chappelle, the comedian, walking down the street in a cop uniform. Somebody might run up on me, saying, "Oh, thank God. Officer, help us! Come on. They're over here. Help us!" "Oh-hoh! Just because I'm dressed this way does not make me a police officer!" See what I mean? All right, ladies, fine. You are not a whore. But you are wearing a whore's uniform. "

now let me leave you with my quote of the day

"Self-respect is the fruit of discipline." - Abraham J. Heschel

Wednesday 15 August 2012

my first post


I am creating this blog at the advice of two friends who are a great source of laughs and also my greatest detractors in this way they make me feel happy but also keep me grounded in the real world. I am what some would call a man whose ways of thinking are not quite in a straight line. This blog will be updated when I can write in it and my greatest hope is that I do not offend anyone with either my views which have been called everything from childish and naive to chauvinistic and outdated, but what the hell they are my view, or my horrible spelling and grammar.

Let me tell you a bit about myself.

I am a young Caucasian male who was born in south Africa but have bounced between The UK and SA like some kind of talkative blond ping pong ball. This coupled with  the fact that even within these two countries I have moved around allot ( about every two years) has left me with mannerism, speech patterns and indeed and accent and general way of being that many have classed as strange and off putting.

Despite this I seem to have gained a wonderful girl friend named Tammy ( you will be hearing allot about her) and a group of friends who are very close to me and whose company I enjoy immensely.

My posts will involve the following

commentaries on my views of world events and attitudes
Anime, movies and Games
Nostalgia about the times I was nostalgic
Martial arts in both its self defence and sport capacity.
My friends , relationships, and life lessons.

This blog is meant to be read by friends, so if you don't like what you read here, you can fuck off and die, as any comments from people whose opinions mean nothing to me will be deleted and not read.

I leave you with this quote ( i will try to leave every post with one )

"Only a warrior chooses pacifism; others are condemned to it."